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Top 10 Ways to Show Confidence With Body Language

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; now picture yourself, approaching a woman or a prospective client, walking into a board meeting or a party. How do you look? What message do you communicate the moment you walk into a room? What are your eyes, hands and shoulders saying? What information can people gather about you before you ever say a word? Never thought about it? You should. And you can start by perusing our top 10 tips to show confidence with body language.

People read your body language, often via instinct and without thinking. It’s because our poses and postures are a great source of information. They reflect our mood and our confidence level. We stand and walk a certain way when we’re confident and another way when we’re nervous. In a glance, most people can discern if we’re apprehensive or outgoing, relaxed or aggressive. With a little practice, we can learn the tips to show confidence through body language so that we always appear confident, capable and ready. Top 10 Ways to Show Confidence With Body Language.

01. Avoid your pockets

The first tip on our list of the top 10 tips to show confidence with body language is to keep your hands out of your pockets. We put our hands in our pockets when we’re uncomfortable or unsure of ourselves. And as long as you have your hands stuffed down your pants, that’s how other people will view you.

Instinctually we tend to hide our hands when we’re nervous; keeping your hands out in the open indicates confidence and shows people you have nothing to hide. Also, recognize that putting your hands in your pockets encourages slouching, which isn’t good. As an alternative, try putting your hands on your hips; it’s a far more confident posture.

02. Don’t fidget

Fidgeting is a clear sign of nervousness. A man who can’t keep still, is a man who is worried, tense and certainly not confident. Your hands can be your worst enemies — fight to keep them still and steady. You can definitely talk with your hands, but keep your gesticulations calm and under control. Also, when seated, avoid that rapid leg-vibration thing that some guys do (you don’t want to look like a dog getting his belly rubbed).

03. Keep your eyes forward

Keeping your eyes level might be one of the trickiest ways to show confidence in body language. When you’re walking anywhere by yourself, it often feels natural to lower your head slightly and watch your step, but this posture communicates to others that you don’t want to engage in conversation or interact. And if you’re not careful, you might get into the habit of doing it all the time. Keep your chin up and your eyes forward, even when you’re walking down the street by yourself.

04. Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Standing up straight is one of the most important of our top 10 tips to project confidence through body language. It can be a challenge especially if you’ve been a sloucher all your life, but get over it. Standing up straight is perhaps the most important means of communicating confidence.

Concentrate on pushing your shoulders back slightly when standing and walking. Nothing major,just a little. That one simple motion does wonders for your posture. Try it in front of the mirror—you’ll be surprised how much more confident it makes you look.

05. Take wide steps

A confident man will never be described as "scurrying," "creeping" or "sneaking," so pay attention to the way you walk. If you want to show confidence with body language you want to take large steps. Wide steps make you seem purposeful and suggest a personal tranquility, which denotes confidence in a man.

06. Firm handshakes

Another of our top 10 tips for showing confidence with body language has to do with the firm handshake. There are few things worse than reaching out your hand during an introduction and getting a palm full of dead fish. Don’t be that guy. Instead, grip the other person’s hand firmly and confidently. If shaking hands with someone you’ve already met, you might even consider the two-hand grab: placing your free hand on the other person’s elbow adds warmth and enthusiasm to the handshake. Just don’t get carried away. A handshake is not a contest. Don’t try to crush the other person’s hand and don’t hold on too long.

07. Proper grooming

Imagine yourself walking into a room, maybe there are lots of beautiful women there or maybe the room is filled with respected colleagues. Now consider your appearance: four days’ worth of scruff, bad skin, hair crispy and pointy like a Backstreet Boy’s. The point we’re trying to make is that grooming is an essential component of communicating confidence through body language.

You want your hair, face and even your smell to work for you, not against you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new products to find the ones that work for you.

08. Smile

Confident people smile because they have nothing to worry about. Try this as an experiment: smile at someone as you pass them on the street or walking around the office. Chances are good that they’ll smile back. Now wouldn’t you like to have that effect on people all the time?

09. Don’t cross your arms when socializing

Crossing your arms is a protective posture. We do it when we’re cold, nervous or on guard. Think of those big, burly nightclub bouncers, crossing their 26-inch pythons while standing guard at the door to a club. Do they look like guys you want to talk to, joke with or work with? No, right? Their job is to look intimidating. Your job is to look likeable, open and confident. So relax a little and keep your arms uncrossed.

10. Use contact to show appreciation

The pat on the back is a lost art. Don’t be afraid to pat a buddy or a colleague on the back when he or she delivers a perfectly timed punch line or nails the big presentation. Most people aren’t freaked out by a hand on the shoulder and they’ll likely be appreciative of your sign of affection and respect.

How to Enable the New YouTube Design Now

Word on the street is that YouTube has a slick new design. It’s a revamped homepage with some pretty tight Google+ social integration and content discovery features.

But if you’ve fired up your trusty Internet machine and the new YouTube hasn’t yet appeared for you, don’t fret. Our friends at The Verge have figured out an easy way (via Google+ user Mortiz Tolxdorff) to turn on the new features right the heck now.

At present, the trick only seems to work in Firefox and Chrome. Open up your browser’s development tools:

In Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + K (Win) | Cmd + Shift + K (Mac)

In Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + J (Win) | or Cmd + Alt + J (Mac)

Then add this string of delicious and nutritious code to the console:

Close your development tools, then reload The YouTubes. Voila! A fresh homepage for videos. Here’s what’s new:

You Can Now Add Mashable on Google+

Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You’ll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news.
Google launched brand pages for Google+ on Monday. We’ve already speculated plenty on what the pages might look like and what features we’d like to see — and now we finally have one to check out ourselves.

We hope you’ll add Mashable to your Google+ Circles, because we’d love to connect with you there. You’ll see updates about the top digital and tech news, as well as the latest information and tips for the Google+ platform.

You can also connect with Mashable staff through Google+, and we continue to encourage you to do so. You’ll get their individual, personal posts about their interests and their lives as well as an inside look at Mashable.

One thing that’s still unknown is just how brands will best use their new Google+ pages, so we want to hear from you. What would you like to see on our page? In the comments below, or on our Google+ page, let us know how we can best serve you.

Been waiting for this feature for your brand? Here’s how you can set up your own page.

GOOGLE+ No Social Network said by Google Official

A top official of the company said that, Google+ is not a social network website and it is not directly competes with Facebook.
"It is a platform which allows us to bring social elements into all the services and products that we offer. So you have seen YouTube come into Google+; you've seen Google+ with 'direct connect' go into our search business", the Telegraph quoted Google's Chief Business Officer Nikesh Arora, as saying.
"We are trying to make sure we use social signals across all of our products... It's not just about getting people together on one site and calling it a social network," he added. However, " there are some features on Google+ which compete with some features on Facebook," he added.

Letting Israel off the hook on nuclear weapons

By Stuart Littlewood

9 November 2011

Stuart Littlewood takes a look at the warmongers in London and Washington who are dancing to Israel’s clamour for war on Iran over its alleged nuclear programme while turning a blind eye to the Zionist entity’s own substantial nuclear capability, estimated 400 warheads.

What a spectacle they make of themselves, whooping and stomping to the frenzied beat of Tel Aviv’s drum, their dumb-ass chant getting ever shriller.

You can read about it on a British government website.

"The UK and many other countries have serious concerns about the Iranian government’s policies," says the Foreign Office, "its failure to address serious international concerns about its nuclear programme; its support for terrorism and promotion of instability in its region; and its continued denial of human rights..."

I really thought they were talking about Israel and had got the names muddled up. But no! "On Iran’s nuclear programme, we are actively seeking a solution through diplomatic engagement and sanctions to encourage compliance by Iran with the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and six UN Security Council resolutions."

“…what are we supposed to call an Israeli who rejects a perfectly reasonable Arab peace deal – like “get off our land and there’ll be no trouble”? What do we call an Israeli who defies international law and denies the human rights of others? An Israeli who treats UN resolutions with contempt?”

Wow, does this means that Israel, which Iran is supposed to be threatening, is an innocent victim of Iranian aggression, is a menace to no-one, is suddenly cooperating with the IAEA and is now in full compliance with all those UN resolutions?

This is hot news!

The Foreign Office goes further: "Iran’s backing of Hizbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and other Palestinian rejectionist Groups..."

Just a minute. What exactly is a "rejectionist group"? I had to look it up in the Oxford dictionary. A rejectionist, it says, is a person who rejects a proposed policy, especially an Arab who refuses to accept a negotiated peace with Israel.

Ah. So what are we supposed to call an Israeli who rejects a perfectly reasonable Arab peace deal – like “get off our land and there’ll be no trouble”? What do we call an Israeli who defies international law and denies the human rights of others? An Israeli who treats UN resolutions with contempt?

“Rejectionist” Israel

Rejectionism is an Israeli thing; it’s what they do, they specialize in it. Israel, let’s face it, is king of the rejectionist business.

All this sabre-rattling and talk of pre-emptive strikes against Iran is getting on everyone's nerves. Iran, after all, is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and Israel is not. What does that tell us?

The treaty dates back to 1970 so Israel has had more than enough time to show good faith and come on board with the other 189 state parties. The NPT has more signatories than any other treaty of its kind. The only refuseniks – OK, let's stay with the Foreign Office's new buzzword – the only rejectionists are India, Israel and Pakistan.

The British government says the international community must be prepared to "respond robustly" when a country withdraws from the NPT. It says:

The NPT is not like any other treaty and the risks associated with its abuse are uniquely dangerous. We recommend immediate discussions at the UN Security Council if a country announces its intention to withdraw. The IAEA should be required to report immediately on the nuclear activities of that country.

It’s common sense really. So what about countries, like Israel, that have stacks of nukes and refused to sign up to the NPT in the first place? What about the "uniquely dangerous risks" in Israel’s case? Where’s the robust response? Is the UN Security Council addressing Israel’s rejectionism? Has the IAEA reported on Israel's nuclear activities?

“… what about countries, like Israel, that have stacks of nukes and refused to sign up to the NPT in the first place?... Is the UN Security Council addressing Israel’s rejectionism? Has the IAEA reported on Israel's nuclear activities?”

As a matter of fact, the IAEA is quite bothered about Israel. The BBC reported on 7 November:

On 18 September 2009, the IAEA called on Israel to join the NPT and open its nuclear facilities to inspection. The resolution said that the IAEA “expresses concern about the Israeli nuclear capabilities, and calls upon Israel to accede to the NPT and place all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards”...

Israel refuses to join the NPT or allow inspections. It is reckoned to have up to 400 warheads but refuses to confirm or deny this.

I've seen the 400 “deliverable” nukes figure before – it’s nearly twice Britain's arsenal – also that European cities were targeted.

Israel is the third or fourth largest nuclear force in the world and the only one in the Middle East. A 2006/7 report by the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission says:

Most unofficial estimates claim that Israel possesses a nuclear arsenal numbering in the hundreds, possibly larger than the British stockpile. Israel is widely believed to possess both fission and fusion bombs. It has an unsafeguarded plutonium production reactor and reprocessing capability and possibly some uranium enrichment capability, along with various other uranium-processing facilities.

It is the only state in the region that is not a party to the NPT. It has signed but not ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. As regards biological and chemical weapons, Israel has not signed the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. It has signed but not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention.

So why is the focus on Iran and not rejectionist Israel? Israel’s incessant foaming at the mouth over Iran has nothing to do with the alleged remark by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to “wipe Israel off the map” – a remark he never made anyway. Long before that, back in 2002 and 2004, Israel was urging the international community to target Iran as soon as it had finished in Iraq and to strip Iran of weapons of mass destruction.

Are we expected to believe that Israel's leaders, given their lawless and belligerent track record, are saner than Iran’s Ahmadinejad? Washington and London may believe such tosh but I doubt if anyone in the Middle East would. Or anyone else in Europe for that matter. A European Commission survey found that the public believe Israel to be the biggest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Afghanistan or Iran.

Eighty per cent of Conservative MPs preach that Israel's enemies are our enemies but who is listening?

War-war not jaw-jaw

Perhaps the looniest thing I have heard lately is the passage through Congress of the ‘‘Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2011’’. Hidden away where it wouldn't be noticed, under "General Provisions - Denial of Visas for Certain Persons of the Government of Iran" (Section 601), is this gem:

(c) RESTRICTION ON CONTACT. – No person employed with the United States government may contact in an official or unofficial capacity any person that – (1) is an agent, instrumentality, or official of, is affiliated with, or is serving as a representative of the government of Iran; and (2) presents a threat to the United States or is affiliated with terrorist organizations. (d) WAIVER. – The president may waive the requirements of subsection (c) if the president determines and so reports to the appropriate congressional committees 15 days prior to the exercise of waiver authority that failure to exercise such waiver authority would pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the vital national security interests of the United States.

It effectively bans diplomacy with Iran. Neither the president himself nor the secretary of state nor any US diplomat or emissary is allowed to engage in negotiations or diplomacy with Iran unless the president can convince the "appropriate congressional committees" (e.g. the House Foreign Affairs Committee whose strings are pulled by AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) that not doing so would present "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the vital national security interests of the United States".

“Many people are quite sure that if the increasingly unhinged Israeli leadership … believed their unlawful ambitions in the Middle East were permanently thwarted, they would think nothing of taking the rest of the world to hell with them.”

War-war is preferred to jaw-jaw. And it’s no surprise to discover that this nonsense was cooked up by Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Howard Berman (D-CA), who both lead the Foreign Affairs Committee.

How clever is it to abandon all the channels of normal diplomacy? Those who support the measure must be desperate for more bloodshed – as long as they personally don't have to act as cannon-fodder. Who can forget the chicken-hawks who casually ordered troops into Iraq and Afghanistan but would never dream of donning uniform and picking up a rifle themselves?

The preamble to this junk piece of legislation states:

In the 2006 State of the Union address, President Bush stated that ‘‘The Iranian government is defying the world with its nuclear ambitions, and the nations of the world must not permit the Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons. America will continue to rally the world to confront these threats...” In February 2009, President Obama committed the administration to ‘‘developing a strategy to use all elements of American power to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon... Iran is a major threat to United States national security interests."

Is it really?

Circulating in the background for years have been rumours speculating on the whereabouts of nuclear warheads dumped by a US B-52 which crashed in 1991. Did freelancers salvage them? Was the nuke exploded by North Korea in 2006 one of these? Does Iran have some? Is this what the panic's about?

Many people are quite sure that if the increasingly unhinged Israeli leadership, with finger on the nuke button, believed their unlawful ambitions in the Middle East were permanently thwarted, they would think nothing of taking the rest of the world to hell with them.


Dear All Patriotic Pakistani's Read & Think!!!!!

Read, Think & understand the game International Powers are playing with us with the help of our government!
Electricity produced in Pakistan is from three main sources.

1). Hydral
2). Thermal (Gas/Steam/Furnace Oil)
3). Nuclear

There are four major power producers in country which include Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC ), Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission ( PAEC).

Below is the break-up of the installed capacity of each of these power producers (as of June-2008).


a. WAPDA Hydal
Terbela 3478 MW
Mangla 1000 MW
Ghazi-Brotha 1450 MW
Warsak 243 MW
Chashma 184 MW
Dargai 20 MW
Rasul 22 MW
Shadi-Waal 18 MW
NandiPur 14 MW
Kurram Garhi 4 MW
Renala 1 MW
Chitral 1 MW
Jagran (AK) 30 MW
Total Hydal ==> 6461 MW

b. WAPDA Thermal
Gas Turbine Power Station, Shadra 59 MW
Steam Power Station, Faisalabad 132 MW
Gas Turbine Power Station, Faisalabad 244 MW
Gas Power Station, Multan 195 MW
Thermal Power Station, Muzaffargarh 1350 MW
Thermal Power Station, Guddu 1655 MW
Gas Turbine Power Station, Kotri 174 MW
Thermal Power Station, Jamshoro 850 MW
Thermal Power Station, Larkana 150 MW
Thermal Power Station, Quetta 35 MW
Gas Turbine Power Station, Panjgur 39 MW
Thermal Power Station, Pasni 17 MW
Total Thermal ==> 4811 MW

WAPDA's Total Hydal + Thermal capacity is ==> 11272 MW.

2. Karachi Electric Supply Company
Thermal Power Station, Korengi 316 MW
Gas Turbine Power Station, Korengi 80 MW
Gas Turbine Power Station, SITE 100 MW
Thermal Power Station, Bin Qasim 1260 MW
Total (KESC) ==> 1756 MW

3. Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
Hub Power Project 1292 MW
AES Lalpir Ltd, Mahmood Kot MuzaffarGarh 362 MW
AES Pak Gen, Mahmood Kot MuzaffarGarh 365 MW
Altern Energy Ltd, Attock 29 MW
Fauji KabirWala Power Company, Khanewal 157 MW
Gul Ahmad Energy Ltd, Korengi 136 MW
Habibullah Coastal Power Ltd 140 MW
Japan Power Generation, Lahore 120 MW
Koh-e-Noor Energy Ltd, Lahore 131 MW
Liberty Power Limited, Ghotki 232 MW
Rousch Power, Khaniwal 412 MW
Saba Power Company, Sheikhpura 114 MW
Southern Electric Power Company Ltd, Raiwind 135 MW
Tapal Energy Limited, Karachi 126 MW
Uch Power Ltd, Dera Murad Jamali, Nasirabad 586 MW
Attock Gen Ltd, Morgah Rawalpindi 165 MW
Atlas Power, Sheikhpura 225 MW
Engro Energy Ltd, Karachi ----- MW
Kot Addu Power Company Limited (Privitized) 1638 MW
Total (IPPs) ===> 6365 MW
4. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
Total (Nuclear) ===> 462 MW

Hydal Electricity generated by WAPDA varies between two extremities i.e. between minimum of 2414 MW and maximum of 6761 MW depending upon the river flow through the whole year.

Total Power Generation Capacity of Pakistan (including all sources) is19855 MW and the electricity demand (as of today 20-04-2010) is 14500 MW and PEPCO is merely generating 10000 MW.

So it is obvious that these 15-20 hrs power shutdowns in most parts of the country are not because of the lack of generation capacity but only because of IMF / World Bank policies imposed on our nation by Govt. The Power Generation companies are not buying Furnace Oil from PSO by saying they don’t have money to do that but we are all paying for Electricity that is generated from Furnace Oil. This is the reason that top refineries like PRL are operating at 40% capacities. IMF / World bank has imposed to reduce budget deficit by importing less crude oil. But due to this fact all our industries are under severe crisis. None of our political party who are in Assembly is ready to speak on it because every one is blessed by US / IMF / World Bank.

Dear Pakistani’s,

This is a time to show your social activism your power and strength. It is your silence which is deafening and your couldn’t care less attitude which makes the people in power more powerful evasive and secure in their Air conditioned offices.



Electricity now is @11 Rs. per unit, and it will increase after every two months as directed by (American) IMF policies.

Also CHINA offers to Pakistan Electricity for justRs.200 Monthly Bill and Unlimited Usage of Electricity but our government is not taking the offer seriously. This is because there will be neither kick backs nor any commissions to be pocketed by the strong mafia of politicians and bureaucrats.

These people are there because of your votes. Let them serve you rather than rule you……



how to download NOD32 ID Validation Tool V2.2 Download

Soft Name: NOD32 id validation tool
Version: v2.2
Add time: 2009-6-13 16:39:54
File Size: 58.8KB
language: English
Downloads: 12256
nod32 id validation tool
Function: You can use this program to verify the effectiveness of the nod32 id.
Using Help:
1、Use the mouse to select id ,copy it to clipboard.
2、Paste the latest escalation nod32 id to the left  text box of the NOD32 ID Validation Tool V2.2 .
3、Click [start] button to begin the verification.The right text box is valid nod32 id.
4、 How to use NOD32 ID Validation Tool ?
a.Open the NOD32 ID Validation Tool V2.2 , copy the latest escalation nod32 id to clipboard.
b.Paste the latest escalation nod32 id to the left text box of the NOD32 ID Validation Tool V2.2 .
c.Click “Start Verify “, you can get verified id from the right text box of the NOD32 ID Validation Tool V2.2
1、This program can verify the nod32 id all over the world.
2、When the program is process,may not be able to stop,minimize,mobile programming interfaces,network bad situation may die,the shutdown and restart it.
Download:NOD32 ID Tool V2.2.rar
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Posted at 2:48 am in eset download

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